Bringing R users and developers together in flyover country.
Check out our work from 2019 and start thinking of ideas for 2020!
April 16 - April 18, 2020 in Minneapolis.
An optional 'Day Zero' workshop for learning how to write R packages and collaborate with Github. Led by Amelia McNamara and Ian Lyttle.
Start with some introductions, form project groups, and go!
Continue to work on projects, group discussions, report out, dinner as a group.
April 16-18, 2020
Wilson Research Collaboration Studio - Univeristy of Minnesota - Minneapolis, MN
March 4th
Ben holds an MS in environmental engineering from UW Madison and currently works for LimnoTech in St. Paul, MN. He specializes in environmental statistics and data visualization.
Sam earned her PhD in Statistics from Iowa State University in 2017 and is currently a Science and Technology Fellow with the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The Uncoast Unconf exists because of her ideas and hard work! Check out her interests at her website.
Ethan is an open science & free software enthusiast with a background in statistics education. His current passions are simulating data to support educational researchers in their decision-making, when he is not busy writing Valentine’s Day songs for R..
Amelia is a professor of statistics in the Department of Computer & Information Sciences at the University of St Thomas. Her research interests include statistics education, statistical computing, data visualization, and spatial statistics.
Ian works as a data scientist at Schneider Electric in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. His computing interests include data visualization, interactivity, and learning different ways to think about programming and workflows.